
Including Weather Information, iPhone App, Weather API [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.

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I am not sure if what I w开发者_如何学Goant to do is possible, as i am fairly new to this. I have signed up for a Free API account with WorldWeatherOnline.com which allows usage of free and commercial use.

What I want to do is have the 3 days weather displayed for a specific location when a user visits a certain ViewController of my app. I'm not looking to ask them for their location via GPS, just display a set locations current weather.

I can generate a Request URL and output in XML format or JSON, but have no idea how to implement them into my app (if it is possible?)


Check for the Best Weather API,

Read the blog tutorial with sample code for

Adding Local Weather Conditions To Your App (Part 2/2: Accessing Google’s XML Weather API)

Integrating weather information in iphone





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