
Block UI spinning preloader

I was wondering if anyone could shed insight as to how I could add a spinning preloader (like apple uses) using the jQuery Block UI plugin. The preloader would have to spin until the AJAX content loads. Is this possible with Block开发者_如何学JAVA UI?

Any direction would be helpful, thanks!

Find a good animated throbber image off the web, like this:

Block UI spinning preloader

Set up a hidden throbber div to show it.

<div id="throbber" style="display:none;">
    <img src="/img/busy.gif" />

Tell blockUI to use that div as the message.

$.blockUI({ message: $('#throbber') });

After the ajax call completes, kill the throbber:

    complete: function(data) {
        // kill the block on either success or error

You can also use ajax success / error callbacks to control blockUI differently on each outcome, instead of complete.

I've taken the answer provided by mujimu and fixed a slight problem with it. I have multiple usages of the "throbber" happening simultaneously. What I found was that it'd mess up and the throbber would stop working if I fired it up before an existing one had been unblocked.

This is my solution ...

function ReloadDetails(id) {
    $('#' + id + '_Details').block({ message: $('<img src="/images/ajax-loader.gif"/>') });

This ajaxLoaderPath is provided by my cshtml to get around problems with virtual directories.

I hate introducing another library for just one function, so I have implemented one myself, with just jQuery, JavaScript and Bootstrap 3.

When I press a button, my code adds a blocking modal to a table, does a ajax call, and waits 0.5 seconds, then unblocks, in order to show the spinning gif(because it can be too quick to notice). Thanks for @NaveedButt, I found https://icons8.com/preloaders/ to generate a gif with the theme color of my site.

Throbber modal: (gif centered horizontally and vertically)

<div id="throbber" class="modal" role="dialog" style="display:none; position:relative; opacity:0.6; background-color:white;">
    <img style="margin: 0 auto;
                position: absolute;
                top: 0; bottom: 0; left:0; right:0;
                margin: auto;
                display: block;
               " src="/static/images/spinning.gif" />

The button:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-12">
        <div class="pull-right">
            <button type="button" id="reload" class="btn btn-primary pull-right-button" style="width: 120px;">Reload</button>

JavaScript + jQuery:

function block() {
    var body = $('#panel-body');
    var w = body.css("width");
    var h = body.css("height");
    var trb = $('#throbber');
    var position = body.offset(); // top and left coord, related to document

        width: w,
        height: h,
        opacity: 0.7,
        position: 'absolute',
        top:        position.top,
        left:       position.left
function unblock() {
    var trb = $('#throbber');
            type:       "GET",
            url:        "{% url 'scriptsList'%}",
            async:      false
        }, 500); //wait 0.5 second to see the spinning gif


The final result is:

Block UI spinning preloader

Yes, this is possible. You can add a pre-loader on your website in any style you want using this website...






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