
FLASH AS2 how to make a movieclip visible for 1 second

I have a quiz and when the correct answer is clicked i want to show a correct answer mc

so when the answer is clicked a "correct" or an "x" will flash up for 1 second.

I have to functions on for right (celebrate) and one for wrong (wrong_answer)

function celebrate() {
_root._root.<<<<code to show mc for 1 second>>>>>>>>>>
_root.triangle_mc.scaleTo(100, 0.4, "easeOutBack", 0, glamour);
_root.triangle_mc.scaleTo(100, 0.4, "easeOutBack", 3);
_root.triangle_mc.brightOffsetTo(23, 0.4, "easeOutSine", 0);
_root.tr开发者_运维百科iangle_mc.brightOffsetTo(0, 0.5, "easeOutSine", 3);
_root.triangle_mc.tween('_y', 370, 0.4, "easeOutBack", 0);
_root.triangle_mc.tween('_y', 418, 0.4, "easeOutBack", 3);


function wrong_answer() {
_root.<<<<code to show mc for 1 second>>>>>>>>>>
_root.triangle_mc.scaleTo(100, 0.4, "easeOutBack", 0);
_root.triangle_mc.scaleTo(100, 0.4, "easeOutBack", 3);
_root.triangle_mc.brightOffsetTo(23, 0.4, "easeOutSine", 0);
_root.triangle_mc.brightOffsetTo(0, 0.5, "easeOutSine", 3);
_root.triangle_mc.tween('_y', 370, 0.4, "easeOutBack", 0);
_root.triangle_mc.tween('_y', 418, 0.4, "easeOutBack", 3);


so can anyone help with this issue of showing a mc clip for 1 second??

many thanks in advance for any help

You could use setTimeout to call a function after 1 second and remove your message or movieClip from the screen. Something like this:

myBtn.onRelease = function() 
    myMC._visible = true;
    setTimeout(removeMC,1000); // 1000 milliseconds = 1 sec

function removeMC() 
    myMC._visible = false;




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