using a jquery slider with processing.js
I am creating a simple bar graph in processing using values from an XML. The data is glacier mass balance for 9 mountain ranges for 28 years. I am trying to implement a jquery slider with this (I can post it into processing.js...I just don't know where to go from there). To be able to see all my data, right now I am just showing all 28 years at once.
With a jquery slider I want to be able to slide between the years 1980 to 2007 and show the bars with only one of those years. Do I need to change my processing code drastically to make this work? A lot of the examples I found weren't using arrays extensively and the processing sketches were simpler. (I am pretty new at this so please bear with my amateur question). Any hints/pointers are appreciated.
float[] yearA = new float[28];
String[] mountA = new String[9];
float[] massA = new float[9];
float[] recth = new float[9];
float rectw;
int rectx = 10;
int recty = 20;
float rectht;
void setup()
void draw()
XMLElement years = new XMLElement(this, "glacier2.xml");
int nResults = years.getChildCount();
int x=40;
int y=40;
for(int j=0; j<28; j++) {
XMLElement yearN = years.getChild(j);
String yearn = yearN.getAttribute("id");
float yearnf = float(yearn);
yearA[j] = yearnf;
for(int i=0; i<9; i++) {
XMLElement mountains = yearN.getChild(i);
String mountain = mountains.getAttribute("id");
String massbalance = mountains.getAttribute("massbalance");
float massf = float(massbalance);
mountA[i] = mountain;
开发者_开发技巧 massA[i] = massf;
rectht = map(massf, -4260, 3700, 10, 750);
rectw = floor(width/10);
rect(rectx, recty, rectw, recth[i]);
text(massf, rectx, recty+rectht);
You won't need to do a lot of work, but you will need to make sure to do it right - you'll want to catch the sketch instance on the javascript side of things (see for a nicely detailed how. Don't worry, it's a small section) and whenever you move your jQuery slider, you want to call some
function updateSlider() {
var year = 0 /* + someMathWith(slider.value()) */ ;
On the Processing side of things, you'll want that updateYear method defined:
void updateYear(float year) {
// update all values so that you will be drawing
// the information for the passed year
So it's not a great deal of work, good luck!
Here's an example with code at the bottom of the page, which may help. However, you'll need a WebGL browser to render the page.