
Singleton python generator? Or, pickle a python generator?

I am using the following code, with nested generators, to iterate over a text document and return training examples using get_train_minibatch(). I would like to persist (pickle) the generators, so I can get back to the same place in the text document. However, you cannot pickle generators.

  • Is there a sim开发者_运维问答ple workaround, so that I can save my position and start back where I stopped? Perhaps I can make get_train_example() a singleton, so I don't have several generators lying around. Then, I could make a global variable in this module that keeps track of how far along get_train_example() is.

  • Do you have a better (cleaner) suggestion, to allow me to persist this generator?

[edit: Two more ideas:

  • Can I add a member variable/method to the generator, so I can call generator.tell() and find the file location? Because then, the next time I create the generator, I can ask it to seek to that location. This idea sounds the simplest of everything.

  • Can I create a class and have the file location be a member variable, and then have the generator created within the class and update the file location member variable each time it yields? Because then I can know how far into the file it it.


Here is the code:

def get_train_example():
        prevwords = []
        for w in string.split(l):
            w = string.strip(w)
            id = None
            if len(prevwords) >= HYPERPARAMETERS["WINDOW_SIZE"]:
                yield prevwords[-HYPERPARAMETERS["WINDOW_SIZE"]:]

def get_train_minibatch():
    minibatch = []
    for e in get_train_example():
        if len(minibatch) >= HYPERPARAMETERS["MINIBATCH SIZE"]:
            assert len(minibatch) == HYPERPARAMETERS["MINIBATCH SIZE"]
            yield minibatch
            minibatch = []

The following code should do more-or-less what you want. The first class defines something that acts like a file but can be pickled. (When you unpickle it, it re-opens the file, and seeks to the location where it was when you pickled it). The second class is an iterator that generates word windows.

class PickleableFile(object):
    def __init__(self, filename, mode='rb'):
        self.filename = filename
        self.mode = mode
        self.file = open(filename, mode)
    def __getstate__(self):
        state = dict(filename=self.filename, mode=self.mode,
        if not self.file.closed:
            state['filepos'] = self.file.tell()
        return state
    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.filename = state['filename']
        self.mode = state['mode']
        self.file = open(self.filename, self.mode)
        if state['closed']: self.file.close()
        else: self.file.seek(state['filepos'])
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.file, attr)

class WordWindowReader:
    def __init__(self, filenames, window_size):
        self.filenames = filenames
        self.window_size = window_size
        self.filenum = 0
        self.stream = None
        self.filepos = 0
        self.prevwords = []
        self.current_line = []

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):
        # Read through files until we have a non-empty current line.
        while not self.current_line:
            if self.stream is None:
                if self.filenum >= len(self.filenames):
                    raise StopIteration
                    self.stream = PickleableFile(self.filenames[self.filenum])
                    self.prevwords = []
            line = self.stream.readline()
            self.filepos = self.stream.tell()
            if line == '':
                # End of file.
                self.stream = None
                self.filenum += 1
                self.filepos = 0
                # Reverse line so we can pop off words.
                self.current_line = line.split()[::-1]

        # Get the first word of the current line, and add it to
        # prevwords.  Truncate prevwords when necessary.
        word = self.current_line.pop()
        if len(self.prevwords) > self.window_size:
            self.prevwords = self.prevwords[-self.window_size:]

        # If we have enough words, then return a word window;
        # otherwise, go on to the next word.
        if len(self.prevwords) == self.window_size:
            return self.prevwords
            return self.next()

You can create a standard iterator object, it just won't be as convenient as the generator; you need to store the iterator's state on the instace (so that it is pickled), and define a next() function to return the next object:

class TrainExampleIterator (object):
    def __init__(self):
        # set up internal state here
    def next(self):
        # return next item here

The iterator protocol is simple as that, defining the .next() method on an object is all you need to pass it to for loops etc.

In Python 3, the iterator protocol uses the __next__ method instead (somewhat more consistent).

This may not be an option for you, but Stackless Python (http://stackless.com) does allow you to pickle things like functions and generators, under certain conditions. This will work:

In foo.py:

def foo():
    with open('foo.txt') as fi:
        buffer = fi.read()
    del fi
    for line in buffer.split('\n'):
        yield line

In foo.txt:


In the interpreter:

Python 2.6 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (python-2.6:66737:66749M, Oct  2 2008, 18:31:31) 
IPython 0.9.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

In [1]: import foo

In [2]: g = foo.foo()

In [3]: g.next()
Out[3]: 'line1'

In [4]: import pickle

In [5]: p = pickle.dumps(g)

In [6]: g2 = pickle.loads(p)

In [7]: g2.next()
Out[7]: 'line2'

Some things to note: you must buffer the contents of the file, and delete the file object. This means that the contents of the file will be duplicated in the pickle.

You might also consider using NLTK's corpus readers:

  • http://nltk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/api/nltk.corpus.reader-module.html
  • http://nltk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/howto/corpus.html


  1. Convert the generator to a class in which the generator code is the __iter__ method
  2. Add __getstate__ and __setstate__ methods to the class, to handling pickling. Remember that you can’t pickle file objects. So __setstate__ will have to re-open files, as necessary.

I describe this method in more depth, with sample code, here.

You can try create callable object:

class TrainExampleGenerator:

    def __call__(self):
        for l in open(HYPERPARAMETERS["TRAIN_SENTENCES"]):
            prevwords = []
            for w in string.split(l):
                w = string.strip(w)
                id = None
                if len(prevwords) >= HYPERPARAMETERS["WINDOW_SIZE"]:
                    yield prevwords[-HYPERPARAMETERS["WINDOW_SIZE"]:]

get_train_example = TrainExampleGenerator()

Now you can turn all state that needs to be saved into object fields and expose them to pickle. This is a basic idea and I hope this helps, but I haven't tried this myself yet.

Unfortunately, I failed to deliver my idea. Provided example is not complete solution. You see, TrainExampleGenerator have no state. You must design this state and make it available for pickling. And __call__ method should use and modify that state so that to return generator which started from the position determined by object's state. Obviously, generator itself won't be pickle-able. But TrainExampleGenerator will be possible to pickle and you'll be able to recreate generator with it as if generator itself were pickled.





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