Does Doctrine 2.0 pre-generate model classes like Propel 1.5 does?
Propel can generate classes based on a schema file. Some of the resulting classes are:
- The object (e.g. User)
- The Peer (e.g. UserPeer)
- The Query (e.g. UserQuery)
The object class (User) includes getters and setters for all of the attributes. E.g.
$user = new User();
echo $user->getEmailAddress();
My question is: can Doctrine 2.0 do this? Does it generate base classes and does it add getters and setters?
Yes Doctrine 2 does support schema to class generation, I prefer YAML over XML so here's the link covering that
AND then via the Doctrine command line tools, you can take the provided YML files and generate
As for your second question, for the most part Doctrine does have simple setters/getters but they're called accessor methods in Doctrine terminology.
For completely generated classes, give a table like
id: integer
name: string
active: bool
it would be $user->getName() and $user->setName("Joe"), $user->setActive(true) and $user->getActive();
How it generates these intermediate classes can be somewhat understood by checking out this file in the Doctrine 2 git repo