
How to delete cell contents in Word with VBA?

I've looked at the documentation f开发者_StackOverflow社区or table cell objects and selection objects in VBA, and I didn't see any way to delete cell contents in Word while retaining the cell itself. It looks like doing so is easy in Excel, and next to impossible in Word.

Some cells I need to do this for will contain text, others will contain text form fields. Any ideas?

This works:

ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 2).Select

This deletes the cell contents but leaves the empty cell behind.

I understand your dismay, because oddly, the above does not do the same as

ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 2).Delete

which deletes the entire cell!

The former is the equivalent of selecting a cell and pressing the Delete key (which clears the contents but leaves the cell in place). The latter is the equivalent of right-clicking a cell and choosing "Delete cells..." (which deletes the cell).

I cobbled this together from various parts of the interwebs... including Fumei from VBA Express. It's working well. Select any cells in your table and run the macro deleteTableCells

Sub deleteTableCells()
Dim selectedRange As Range

On Error GoTo Errorhandler
Set selectedRange = SelectionInfo


Exit Sub
End Sub

Function SelectionInfo() As Range
    Dim iSelectionRowEnd As Integer
    Dim iSelectionRowStart As Integer
    Dim iSelectionColumnEnd As Integer
    Dim iSelectionColumnStart As Integer
    Dim lngStart As Long
    Dim lngEnd As Long
     ' Check if Selection IS in a table
     ' if not, exit Sub after message
    If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) = False Then
        Err.Raise (2022)
        lngStart = Selection.Range.Start
        lngEnd = Selection.Range.End
         ' get the numbers for the END of the selection range
        iSelectionRowEnd = Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeRowNumber)
        iSelectionColumnEnd = Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeColumnNumber)
         ' collapse the selection range
        Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart
         ' get the numbers for the END of the selection range
         ' now of course the START of the previous selection
        iSelectionRowStart = Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeRowNumber)
        iSelectionColumnStart = Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeColumnNumber)
         ' RESELECT the same range
        Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=lngEnd - lngStart
         ' set the range of cells for consumption
        With ActiveDocument
            Set SelectionInfo = .Range(Start:=.Tables(1).cell(iSelectionRowStart, iSelectionColumnStart).Range.Start, _
                            End:=.Tables(1).cell(iSelectionRowEnd, iSelectionColumnEnd).Range.End)
        End With
    End If
End Function

Sorry for digging up such an old question, but hopefully someone will find this useful. If you prefer to avoid the Select method, the following is what you're looking for:

ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = ""

It deletes images and content controls as well.

Private Sub cbClearTable_Click()  
'mouse cursor must be in the table for clearing  
Dim cell_BhBp As Cell  
For Each cell_BhBp In Selection.Tables(1).Range.Cells  
cell_BhBp.Range = ""  
End Sub

The code above clears the contents in all cells in the current table /the table, where the mouse cursor is/

One other way to clear all table cells of first table in document is


Or for current table /where the cursor is in/


    Private Sub CommandButton40_Click()
    SendKeys ("{DEL}")
    End Sub

The code above clears contents of all selected cells. In this case, the selected cells may not be adjacent. This code is fired when button of user form is clicked.





验证码 换一张
取 消

