Running a job in parallel with N concurrent threads
Sometimes I need a test method to be executed simultaneously by N threads (like what happens in ASP.NET code).
Is there an easy way to do that with Task Library
public void DoSomethingTest()
// Do something which has concurrency issues i.e. database, IO, ...
// Something like:
public void DoSomethingTest()
int n = 1000; // run 1000 of DoSomething() simultaneously
Parallel.Invoke(() => DoSomething(), n);
Yes, there is a Parallel.For :
public void DoSomethingTest()
int n = 10; // changed to 10, see comment
Parallel.For(0, n, i => DoSomething());
// here all threads are completed
But note that the TPL will decide the amount of parallelism, much like the ASP.NET Threadpool...
You can add ParallelOptions to set the degeree of parallelism but I wouldn't.
Yes, I test some methods parallel with the TPL.
Here is some example code :
var parent = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
var tasksI = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.TaskCount; i++)
var tasksII = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.TaskCount; i++)
tasksI .Wait();
Assert.AreNotEqual(parent.IsFaulted, "Executing is faulted!");
I call Method1 and Method2 more than once and with the TPL parallel. So I can verify the capability of parallel execution!
Regards, patrick