Using matlab to save a 100 text files to a one excel file but into different spread sheet?
Hi I have a about 50 to 100 text file which i want to impot their data into à different spread sheet. All the files have two row text, Thord row bega开发者_开发百科n with numbers and text after it. The rest is like 1000 x 500 int. I want to do this in matlab.
Please, any suggestion????
If you are running MATALB under Windows, you can use COM automation to control Excel and create the necessary file.
Take a look at xlswrite in the Mathworks file exchange for an example.
The referenced code does not create a new Excel sheet, but can populate any existing sheet you create beforehand (in an existing workbook of course).
If filename
is the file to open, the following code (based on xlswrite) may be helpful:
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
op = invoke(Excel.Workbooks, 'open', [pwd filesep filename]);
set(Excel, 'Visible', visible); % you may safely remove this
cell_update(sheetname, row, col, value)
function cell_update(sheetname, row, col, value)
% Make the specified sheet active.
Sheets = Excel.ActiveWorkBook.Sheets;
target_sheet = get(Sheets, 'Item', sheetname);
% Error if the sheet doesn't exist. It would be nice to create it, but
% I'm too lazy.
% The alternative to try/catch is to call xlsfinfo to see if the sheet exists, but
% that's really slow.
error(['Sheet ' sheetname ' does not exist!']);
invoke(target_sheet, 'Activate');
Activesheet = Excel.Activesheet;
cellnum = [num2col(col) num2str(row)];
ActivesheetRange = get(Activesheet,'Range', cellnum, cellnum);
set(ActivesheetRange, 'Value', value);