
add columns to datagridview usercontrol

i 开发者_如何学Gocreated an usercontrol for datagridview.

I set it as gridview.autoGeneratecolumn = false; in the usercontrol.

Question: How do i add columns to the usercontrol in my UI form?

  • I cannot add default columns to the usercontrol as other UI form might not using the same columns.

  • If i do not put gridview.autoGeneratecolumn = false;, then the auto generated columns will be showing my database columns name instead of the name i want to display to the user.

Extending on the property above

private List<string> _list = new List<string>();
private List<string> ColList
    get { return _list; }
    set { _list = value; }

private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn AddColumns(string Name)
            DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
            col.Name = Name;
            col.HeaderText = Name;
            col.HeaderCell.Style.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.NotSet;
            col.ToolTipText = Name;
            col.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.ColumnHeader;            
            col.MinimumWidth = 80;
            col.DataPropertyName =Name;            
            return col;

You can then loop through the ColumnList and Add and also set the basic properties for the columns

foreach(string s in ColList)
{ datagridview1.Columns.Add(AddColumns(s)); }

You could always expose the Columns property of the datagridview as a property of your usercontrol.

public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
    // This property will be visible in your usercontrols property window in the designer
    public DataGridViewColumnCollection Columns
        get { return dataGridView1.Columns; }

    public MyUserControl()

        this.dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;          

If you drop your usercontrol onto a form or another control, the Columns property will be accessible in the designer properties window.

Try this link on how to create columns with gridview.autoGeneratecolumn set to false





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