
Using Visual C++ String Variables As Object

I am just learning C++ and slowly getting the hang of it after such a shock from working with HTML, CSS and Javascript to a completely new way of writing code which I still don't really understand. But I have been able to make a web browser program.

Now I've been needing the use of variables, and after some Googling have worked out how to use strings (or at least a way to get them working for me) like so:

#include <string>
namespace Browser1 {
      using namespace std;
private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {
      String^ var = "label1";
      String^ var2 = "hello world";
     开发者_开发知识库 var->Text = var2;

But then I get these errors saying that the Text is an ambiguous symbol. I am almost certain this is because I have used the variable as the object but why?

Which object would you think is typed as Object that causes this?

Afaict your problem is

      var->Text = var2;

which is rubbish, because var is declared as String^ (2 lines up) so it can't have the Text property. Surely, you were intending to use another variable? (Such as sender?)





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