
How to redirect the url after logging into Facebook?

I have created a django application with a Facebook connect to the application. Now when i click on the Facebook login button, the oauth page pop ups. When i give the username n password, it gets closed without actually redirecting the page to any page. But when i took FB page in a new tab, i could see the FB logged in page of that user. So the login is working perfect, but i dont understand where to give the page redirection after it gets authenticated. Can somebody help me to solve this. This is how i set in my settings page ? I couldnt find any callback url to be set in the opti开发者_JAVA技巧ons.

App ID
App Secret
Site URL
Site Domain
Canvas Page
Canvas URL
Secure Canvas URL
Canvas FBML/iframe

The code for login : This piece of code is inserted in the registrationForm html page(login) :

{% load facebookconnect %}
{% facebook_connect_login_button %}
{% facebook_connect_script %}

and the facebookconnect.py code is :

from django import template
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

register = template.Library()

class FacebookScriptNode(template.Node):
        def render(self, context):
            return """
            <script src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php" type="text/javascript"></script>

            <script type="text/javascript"> FB.init("%s", "%s");
                function facebook_onlogin() {
                    var uid = FB.Facebook.apiClient.get_session().uid;
                    var session_key = FB.Facebook.apiClient.get_session().session_key;
                    var expires = FB.Facebook.apiClient.get_session().expires;
                    var secret = FB.Facebook.apiClient.get_session().secret;
                    var sig = FB.Facebook.apiClient.get_session().sig;

                    fb_connect_ajax(expires, session_key, secret, uid, sig);


                function fb_connect_ajax(expires, session_key, ss, user, sig) {

                    var post_string = 'expires=' + expires;
                    post_string = post_string + '&session_key=' + session_key;
                    post_string = post_string + '&ss=' + ss;
                    post_string = post_string + '&user=' + user;
                    post_string = post_string + '&sig=' + sig;

                        type: "POST",
                        url: "%s",
                        data: post_string,
                        success: function(msg) {
                            window.location = '%s'; //.reload()
            """ % (settings.FACEBOOK_API_KEY, reverse('xd_receiver'), reverse('facebook_connect_ajax'), settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)

def facebook_connect_script(parser, token): return FacebookScriptNode()


class FacebookLoginNode(template.Node):
    def render(self, context): 
        return "<fb:login-button onlogin='facebook_onlogin();'></fb:login-button>"
        #return "<fb:login-button onclick="openPopup('https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=a0acfd122e64fc21cfa34d47369f0c97&redirect_uri=http://mysite.com/mypage&display=popup');"></fb:login-button>"

def facebook_connect_login_button(parser, token): return FacebookLoginNode()


I suppose you are using the JS Facebook library if you say that the oauth just pop ups. I would go the simpler oauth redirect way, using a the following :

def build_authentication_redirect(self):
            args = {}
            redirect_url = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?"+urllib.urlencode(args)
            redirect_code = """
                    <script type="text/javascript">
            """ % redirect_url;
            return HttpResponse(redirect_code,mimetype="text/html")

Where self.app_id is your facebook app id. Where self.redirect_uri is the url the user will be redirected after login. Where self.scope is built from self.req_perms which is an array of the required permissions.

After that they user will be redirected to redirect_uri with the access token in post 'signed_request' parameter, you can use the following function to decode it :

def load_signed_request(self, signed_request):
            """Load the user state from a signed_request value"""
            sig, payload = signed_request.split(u'.', 1)
            sig = self.base64_url_decode(sig)
            data = json.loads(self.base64_url_decode(payload))

            expected_sig = hmac.new(self.app_secret, msg=payload, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()

            # allow the signed_request to function for upto 1 day
            if sig == expected_sig and data[u'issued_at'] > (time.time() - 86400):
                    return data.get(u'user_id'), data.get(u'oauth_token')
                    return None,None

Example :

sigreq =request.POST.get('signed_request', None)
user_id,access_token = load_signed_request(sigreq)

Again you will need self.app_secret and the following function :

    def base64_url_decode(data):
            data = data.encode(u'ascii')
            data += '=' * (4 - (len(data) % 4))
            return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data)

I had a lot of trouble with FB JS login and auth, especially on different browsers, this way is the more robust way I could find :)

Btw If you want my facebook.py file I can put it available online somewhere ... It even has a @fbsig_required and @fbsig_redirect view decorators ...

Oh Also here are my imports :

import cgi
import hashlib
import time
import urllib
import base64
import datetime
import hmac

from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect,HttpResponse,HttpResponseNotFound

Check this, may this will give you some idea to make that work:






验证码 换一张
取 消

