While loop example
x = y // 2 # For some y > 1
while x > 1:
if y % x == 0: # Remainder
print(y, 'has factor', x)
break # Skip else
x -= 1
else: # No开发者_开发技巧rmal exit
print(y, 'is prime')
This is an example for understanding while loop in a book I'm reading, I don't quite understand why a floor division and then y % x? Can someone please explain this piece of code, whats it doing?
This is a lame primality test.
% is the mod operator. It performs division and returns the remainder rather than the result of the division. For example, 5 // 2 == 2, and 5 % 2 == 1.
x = y // 2 # For some y > 1 ##Reduce search space to half of y
while x > 1:
if y % x == 0: # Remainder ##If x divides y cleanly (4 / 2 == 2)
print(y, 'has factor', x) ##y is not prime
break # Skip else ##Exit the loop
x -= 1 # Normal exit ##Try the next value
print(y, 'is prime')
The program prints at least one factor of an integer y, or if it has no factors (other than itself and 1), prints that y is prime.
It uses the variable x to try all possible factors greater than one. It starts at the floor of y divided by 2, because no number larger than half of y could be a factor. Using normal division rather than floor division could give you a fractional value if y is odd. (An even better solution is to start with the square root of y - if y is not prime, one of its factors will be less than or equal to its square root.)
Inside the loop, it tests y % x, which is the remainder after dividing y by x. If the remainder is zero, that means that x is a factor of y, and it prints it.
The else clause is executed at the end of the loop, unless a factor is found, in which case the "break" skips out of the loop and the else clause. So either a factor is found, or it's prime.
Here's the improved code with the indentation fixed:
import math
def check_primality(y):
x = int(math.sqrt(y))
while x > 1:
if y % x == 0:
print y, 'has factor', x
x -= 1
print y, 'is prime'
The code simply checks if the square root of x has been reached. Note that you can check the primality of a number by checking if the integers from 2 up to the square root of x divides x perfectly (without a remainder).
the logic is:
if y modulo x is 0, it means that x is a dividor of y, so y has a factor. print that, and break out of the loop.
if not, decrease x by 1, and try again.
but some things are broken in this code:
- the else statement position
- the fact the 'print y is prime' is after the loop - it will always print it.
For any number (x) which is not prime, there would be a factor greater than 1 and less than (x/2). 9 = 3*3 The logic is to iterate through all the numbers <= x/2 and check if the number divides.
I think the program tries to find the biggest prime factors of y. If y is a prime factor it prints this as well.
x = y // 2
is for testing the numbers in the range x: 2..y/2
A better approach would be to test only the numbers x: 2..sqrt(y)
the % denotes a modulus which gives you the remainder of division...
and this code checks for prime Y and also checks if Y is a multiplier of x...
x = y // 2 #x=the division or modulus of y , 2
while x > 1: #you want to check if this is a division result or a modulus
if y % x == 0: # if y is a multiplier of x
print(y, 'has factor', x)
break # break the while loop
x -= 1 # decreament x
else: # this line executes if the wihle reached x > 1 and didnt break print(y, 'is prime')
so if y is a multiplier of x it will decreament x and the loop continue otherwise it will print y is prime