
Django: Tweaking @login_required decorator

I want to begin a private Beta for my website. I have a splash page where a user can enter a code to then access the rest of the site. Currently, all the other site pages (except the splash page) consist of a series of redirects set up by requiring user login (via @login_required decorator).

I want both logged in users and people who enter the Beta Tester code to be able to access the rest of the site. That means that I can't just use the decorator for all my views.

Should I alter the @login_required decorator itself? I'm more tempted to just do the following (I added a session variable if user enters correct code on splash page).

def view_name开发者_开发知识库(request):
    if not user.id or not request.session.get('code_success'):
           return HttpResponseRedirect('/splash/')

Does this seem reasonable? I'd hate to have to repeat it for all my views


Write your own decorator - it's fairly straight forward. In fact, if you look at the Django source for login_required, you should be able to fiddle around with a copy for your own purposes.

def my_login_required(function):
    def wrapper(request, *args, **kw):
        if not (user.id and request.session.get('code_success')):
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/splash/')
            return function(request, *args, **kw)
    return wrapper

I would recommend using a middleware instead. That will make it easier to drop once you move out of your private beta. There are a couple examples of login required middlewares on djangonsippets:


I would recommend taking one of those and tweaking it to include you beta code logic.

HOW to re-use (tweak) internal Django login_required

For example, you need to allow access to page for only users who passed login_required checks and also are Coaches - and (save) pass coach instance to you view for further processing


from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

from profiles.models import CoachProfile

def coach_required(function):
    def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
        decorated_view_func = login_required(request)
        if not decorated_view_func.user.is_authenticated():
            return decorated_view_func(request)  # return redirect to signin

        coach = CoachProfile.get_by_email(request.user.email)
        if not coach:  # if not coach redirect to home page
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home', args=(), kwargs={}))
            return function(request, *args, coach=coach, **kwargs)

    wrapper.__doc__ = function.__doc__
    wrapper.__name__ = function.__name__
    return wrapper


def view_master_schedule(request, coach):
    """coach param is passed from decorator"""
    context = {'schedule': coach.schedule()}
    return render(request, 'template.html', context)

I would create a guest account and login people that enter the Beta Tester code to that account. Something along these lines:

def beta_code_accepted(request):
    guest_user = User.objects.get(username='beta_guest')
    login(request, guest_user)

Once your beta is complete, just disable the splash view.





验证码 换一张
取 消

