
Why does str() round up floats?

The built-in Pyth开发者_JAVA技巧on str() function outputs some weird results when passing in floats with many decimals. This is what happens:

>>> str(19.9999999999999999)
>>> '20.0'

I'm expecting to get:

>>> '19.9999999999999999'

Does anyone know why? and maybe workaround it?


It's not str() that rounds, it's the fact that you're using floats in the first place. Float types are fast, but have limited precision; in other words, they are imprecise by design. This applies to all programming languages. For more details on float quirks, please read "What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic"

If you want to store and operate on precise numbers, use the decimal module:

>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> str(Decimal('19.9999999999999999'))

A float has 32 bits (in C at least). One of those bits is allocated for the sign, a few allocated for the mantissa, and a few allocated for the exponent. You can't fit every single decimal to an infinite number of digits into 32 bits. Therefore floating point numbers are heavily based on rounding.

If you try str(19.998), it will probably give you something at least close to 19.998 because 32 bits have enough precision to estimate that, but something like 19.999999999999999 is too precise to estimate in 32 bits, so it rounds to the nearest possible value, which happens to be 20.

Please note that this is a problem of understanding floating point (fixed-length) numbers. Most languages do exactly (or very similar to) what Python does.

Python float is IEEE 754 64-bit binary floating point. It is limited to 53 bits of precision i.e. slightly less than 16 decimal digits of precision. 19.9999999999999999 contains 18 decimal digits; it cannot be represented exactly as a float. float("19.9999999999999999") produces the nearest floating point value, which happens to be the same as float("20.0").

>>> float("19.9999999999999999") == float("20.0")

If by "many decimals" you mean "many digits after the decimal point", please be aware that the same "weird" results happen when there are many decimal digits before the decimal point:

>>> float("199999999999999999")

If you want the full float precision, don't use str(), use repr():

>>> x = 1. / 3.
>>> str(x)
>>> str(x).count('3')
>>> repr(x)
>>> repr(x).count('3')

Update It's interesting how often decimal is prescribed as a cure-all for float-induced astonishment. This is often accompanied by simple examples like 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 != 0.3. Nobody stops to point out that decimal has its share of deficiencies e.g.

>>> (1.0 / 3.0) * 3.0
>>> (Decimal('1.0') / Decimal('3.0'))  * Decimal('3.0')

True, float is limited to 53 binary digits of precision. By default, decimal is limited to 28 decimal digits of precision.

>>> Decimal(2) / Decimal(3)

You can change the limit, but it's still limited precision. You still need to know the characteristics of the number format to use it effectively without "astonishing" results, and the extra precision is bought by slower operation (unless you use the 3rd-party cdecimal module).

For any given binary floating point number, there is an infinite set of decimal fractions that, on input, round to that number. Python's str goes to some trouble to produce the shortest decimal fraction from this set; see GLS's paper http://kurtstephens.com/files/p372-steele.pdf for the general algorithm (IIRC they use a refinement that avoids arbitrary-precision math in most cases). You happened to input a decimal fraction that rounds to a float (IEEE double) whose shortest possible decimal fraction is not the same as the one you entered.





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