
VideoView: Fullscreen on doubleTap

Basically, what I want to do in my application is displaying a video.

The best tool to achieve this goal seem to be a VideoView.

So I used this code:

<Vide开发者_开发问答oView android:id="@+id/videoview" android:layout_width="50dip" android:layout_height="50dip"></VideoView>

and in my Activity:

 VideoView videoHolder = (VideoView)findViewById(R.id.videoview);
 videoHolder.setMediaController(new MediaController(this));
 videoHolder.setVideoURI(Uri.parse("android.resource://com.blabla.blabla/" + R.raw.blabla));

and that do the trick.

Unfortunately, I was expecting having a preview (thumbnail) of the video in my layout by default

So , I removed the videoHolder.start(); command, but I can only get a blackscreen. The video start when tapping on an invisible zone...

First question

Is that possible to display a preview of the video in the VideoView before starting it?

Second question

I wuld like to display the video on Fullscreen when double tapping the webview, How can I achieve this?

Thank a lot for any help / link / suggestion

Yes, you can get video thumbnails using ThumbnailUtils:

Bitmap thumb = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(path,

I haven't really seen apps toggle into fullscreen before. I'm actually not sure if it can be done (especially for a VideoView). However, you might have some luck with one of these methods:

  1. Holding the VideoView in a FrameLayout and then changing its layout parameters.
  2. Overlaying the VideoView via Window#addContentView.
  3. Hiding (via Visibility.GONE) your other views and allowing the VideoView to expand its layout area.

You can use VideoView.seekTo(milliseconds) as an alternative, let say 1 second (1000 milliseconds). Provided that the video clip after 1 second does have an image, like some videos starts from blank screen then "fade-in" (lack of better word) to a scene would more often gives you a black screen with 1 second. You can call this under VideoView.onPrepared(). This one i use when the video is on a web server.





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