
post message to users wall [closed]

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i am creating a iphone application using Facebook SDK.I want to post message to friends wall.can u help me to implement this..

@sai You can post a message to your friends wall by using the Facebook SDK. You just need to do following task:

  1. First find your friend's FacebookID (I assume you have it)
  2. Then do this:


   NSString* friendID=@"here Please Add Friends FacebookID";

   NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:    
                                   friendID, @"to",messageToBePost,@"message",nil];

   [[delegate facebook] requestWithGraphPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@

   /feed",friendID] andParams:params andHttpMethod:@"POST"  andDelegate:self];


If you don't have your friends's Id, you can find him and his ID using the below method call:


  [delegate.facebook requestWithGraphPath:@"me/friends" andDelegate:self]; 


This will return a json of friends and their facebook IDs. After getting your friend's ID, you can Post on his Wall.

Please don't Forget to Adopt FBRequestDelegate in your Controller Class.





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