
In Python, is the idiom "from Module import ClassName" typical?

Since I prefer small files, I typically place a single "public" class per Python module. I name the module with the same na开发者_开发问答me as the class it contains. So for example, the class ToolSet would be defined in ToolSet.py.

Within a package, if another module needs to instanciate an object of class ToolSet, I use:

from ToolSet import ToolSet
toolSet = ToolSet()

instead of:

import ToolSet
toolSet = ToolSet.ToolSet()

I do this to reduce "stutter" (I prefer to have stutter at the top of the file than within my code.)

Is this a correct idiom?

Here is a related question. Within a package, I often have a small number of classes that I would like to expose to the outside world. These I import inside the __init__.py for that package. For example, if ToolSet is in package UI and I want to expose it, I would put the following in UI/__init__.py :

from ToolSet import ToolSet

So that, from an external module I can write

import UI
toolSet = UI.ToolSet()

Again, is this pythonic?

To answer your first question, that is the idiom I use, and its use is supported by PEP8 the python style guide

it's okay to say this though:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

I like it as it reduces typing and makes sure that things go wrong immediately the file is run (say you mis-spelt an import) rather than some time later when a function using the import is run.

Eg suppose the module Thing doesn't have a Thyng member

from Thing import Thyng

Goes wrong immediately you run the .py file, whereas

import Thing
# ...
def fn():

Doesn't go wrong until you run fn()

As for your second question, I think that is also good practice. It often happens to me when I factor a single large.py into a directory with an __init__.py and implementation files. Importing things into the __init__.py keeps the interface the same. It is common practice in the standard libraries too.

Yes. Both are idiomatic Python in my opinion.

I tend to use the from module import name form for some modules in the standard library, such as datetime, but mostly for closely related modules, or names that are frequently used in the module. For example, I typically import ORM classes in this way.

I tend to use the import module form for some standard modules (especially os and os.path) and for names that are not very distinctive (like database.session and cherrypy.session being two different kind of sessions) and for name that are used infrequently where the mention of the module name improves readability.

In the end, there are a few rules of thumb (such as import os.path), but which form to use is largely a matter of judgement, taste and experience.

To address if it is pythonic, take a look at what is generally the definitive answer on the internet: http://effbot.org/zone/import-confusion.htm

Also take a look at ~unutbu's link which discusses this in greater detail.

I use from itertools import chain, ifilter, islice, izip all the time, because it allows me to program as though those were built-in methods, which to my way of thinking they really ought to be.

Once, in a frenzy of misguided correctness, I went through a big block of code and replaced from datetime import datetime with import datetime. This was a good example of Mark Twain's observation that a man who picks up a rat by the tail learns something that can be learned no other way. It certainly set me straight on why it's OK to use from x import y.





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