
std:map iterator returns badptr on find

I have my std::map defined as

typedef std::map<string,ImageData*> ImageDataMap;
typedef std::pai开发者_开发技巧r<string,ImageData*> ImageDataPair;
typedef std::map<string,ImageData*>::iterator ImageDataIterator;

The above map stores string which is an image file name and ImageData which is the the image metadata. When i use the find as shown below

ImageDataIterator iter =  imageMap->find("Fader.tga");
if(iter == imageMap->end()){...}

The iter->first is a badptr and so it fails the if condition below is. What's wrong here? Running on vc9 express edition on xp64 (the program is 32bit)

An iterator returned as map::end by map::find() means that the specified key was not found in the container. You cannot dereference it to access its elements. It will crash your application.


Let's be clear. The problem is that you are inverting the logic, ok? You can only use an iterator if it's valid, therefore iter must be different from map::end. This means that map::find() was successful and found the element you were looking for:

if (iter != imageMap->end())
  // element FOUND! Use it!
  cout << iter->first << endl;
  // Not found! Can't use it.

Your mistake is the if comparison you're currently doing: if (iter == imageMap->end()) which means execute the following block of code if the element I searched for is not in the map. That's why when iter->first is executed the application breaks.

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>

typedef int ImageData;
typedef std::map<std::string,ImageData*> ImageDataMap;
typedef std::map<std::string,ImageData*>::iterator ImageDataIterator;

using namespace std;

int main()
  ImageDataMap mymap;

  int value_1 = 10;
  int value_2 = 20;
  int value_3 = 30;

  mymap["a"] = &value_1;
  mymap["b"] = &value_2;
  mymap["c"] = &value_3;

  // Search/print valid element
  ImageDataIterator it = mymap.find("a");
  if (it != mymap.end()) // will execute the block if it finds "a"
      cout << it->first << " ==> " << *(it->second) << endl;

  // Searching for invalid element
  it = mymap.find("d"); // // will only execute the block if it doesn't find "d"
  if (it == mymap.end())
    cout << "!!! Not found !!!" << endl;
    cout << "This statement will crash the app" << it->first << endl;;

  cout << "Bye bye" << endl;

  return 0;

Perhapes you should change if(iter == imageMap->end()){...} to if(iter != imageMap->end()){...}





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