"SelectedIndexChanged" not firing after "Items.Clear()" in ListBox
For a ListBox (With Selection mode set to One), I wish to track whether there's a selected item or none selected. To do so, I subscribed a method to SelectedIndexChanged and checked if the SelectedIndex is -1 or not. However, I noticed that the event doesn't fire after calling Items.Clear(), even though SelectedIndex changes to -1 (if it wasn't already -1).
Why doesn't it fire? I know I can work around this by assigning -1 to SelectedIndex before clearing the list. But is there a better way?
Here's a simple code to replicate this:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ns
class Program
static ListBox lst = new ListBox();
public static void Main()
lst.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lst_SelectedIndexChanged);
Console.WriteLine("Setting selected index to 0...");
lst.SelectedIndex = 0; //event fire here
Console.WriteLine("(Selected Index == {0})", lst.SelectedIndex);
Console.WriteLine("Clearing all items...");
lst.Items.Clear(); //event *should* fire here?!
//proof that the selected index has changed
Console.WriteLine("(Selected Index == {0})", lst.Sel开发者_如何学编程ectedIndex);
static void lst_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("[!] Selected Index Changed:{0}", lst.SelectedIndex);
Edit: I am considering making a custom list by making a class that inherits from ListBox, or by making a user control. However I'm not sure how to approach this. Any ideas on hiding/overriding the clear method using either inheritance/userControl? Would it require hiding/overriding other methods as well or is there a way to avoid this?
Looking at the code in Reflector, the Clear() method on Items just resets the .Net object's internal object list (and does not, as you noticed, fire OnSelectedIndexChanged).
The SelectedIndex property returns -1 because the logic in the property's getter dictates that -1 should be returned if there are no items in the internal list.
Clear() only clears the internal collection of the control. Clear() won't fire the SelectedIndexChanged event because that event will only be raised by changing the CurrentlySelectedIndex. Try using lst.ClearSelected() instead. Calling this method is equivalent to setting the SelectedIndex property to negative one (-1). You can use this method to quickly unselect all items in the list. Alternatively you can try calling Items.Clear() and follow it with a call to ListBox.RefreshItems
probably a hackish solution but this is what i thought of:
class myListBox
public ListBox myList;
public myListBox()
myList = new ListBox();
public void listClear()
if (myList.Items.Count > 0)
myList.SelectedIndex = 0;
than you can call this like this in your main form:
myListBox example = new myListBox();
example.myList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lst_SelectedIndexChanged);
maybe that could solve your problem.
This is my way, it's compatible with existed code.
public class DetailsListView : ListView
public new class ListViewItemCollection : ListView.ListViewItemCollection
private DetailsListView m_owner;
public ListViewItemCollection(DetailsListView owner)
: base(owner)
m_owner = owner;
public override void Clear()
private void FireChanged()
private ListViewItemCollection m_Items;
public DetailsListView()
m_Items = new ListViewItemCollection(this);
View = View.Details;
GridLines = true;
HideSelection = false;
FullRowSelect = true;
public new ListViewItemCollection Items
return m_Items;