
Changing backslash to forward slash in a QString

I have a program that gives a QString and changes every "\" to "/". It seems very simple but when I use the below code, 5 errors happen:

QString开发者_如何学JAVA path ;
path = "C:\MyLife\Image Collection" ;
for( int i=0 ; i < path.size() ; i++ )
    if( path[i] == "\" )
        path[i] = "/" ;
qDebug() << path ;

Please, Stop the bleeding, now ! And use a cross-platform directory/path wrapper class. Qt have some : QDir, QFileInfo, QFile. Just use them.

ooh, and QDir have a nice static method for you, which does exactly what you want :

 path = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(path);

No excuse to do it manually (with bugs)

You need to escape \

if( path[i] == '\\' )

Same with

path = "C:\\MyLife\\Image Collection" ;


Because the backslash \ is used as an escape character (for things like \n newline, \r carriage return, and \b backspace), you need to escape the backslash with another backslash to give you a literal backslash. That is, wherever you want a \, you put \\.

Nobody has fixed both your errors in the same post, so here goes:

    if( path[i] == '\\' ) // Double backslash required, and
        path[i] = '/' ;   // single quote (both times!)

  • Strings cannot be compared directly in C/C++.
  • Characters can be compared.
  • "\" is string, whereas '\' is a character.

What does work for me for Qt4 on Linux is using:

std::replace( path.begin(), path.end(), QChar('\\'), QChar('/') );

None of the Qt functions work, obviously.





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