Finding first node of a page?
Here is my jQuery code:
$('body').append('<div id="popupContact"><a id="popupContactClose">close</a><br/><iframe src=""></iframe></div><div id="backgroundPopup"></div>');
I tested it at this site.
It 开发者_开发百科worked but I have a problem. I think that the site has many iframes, so I want to find the first body of the combined page. I tried this code.
$('body')[0].append('<div id="popupContact"><a id="popupContactClose">close</a><br/><iframe src="" id = myFrame></iframe></div><div id="backgroundPopup"></div>');
But unfortunately it doesn't work.
I want to apply the rule only to the first body tag.
How can I solve this?
Try this:
Or this:
You could try $('body:first')
. See for details.
I was trying to do this too, but found that both $('body:first') and $('body').first() still grabbed the first node of each iframe on the page.
Essentially what I was trying to do was add a div. Using top.document.body was what solved the issue for me. As in:
As pointed out on this page, I was looking for the 'true' body of the page: How to refer to the true 'body' of a page? [NOT iFrame body]