
Is this a proper use of a temporary std::string?

std::string getMyString() { return开发者_开发百科 <make a string>; }


HANDLE something = OpenSomething(getMyString().c_str(), ...);

I've read Guaranteed lifetime of temporary in C++ and I believe that the temporary string will live until the assignment has been evaluated, i.e. plenty long enough to make this work as expected.

Having once before run into an std::string lifetime-related bug (can't remember what it was) I'd rather double-check...

The destructor for the temporary will not be called until after the function call returns, so what we see here is safe.

However if the called function saves the char* and it ends up being used somehow after OpenSomething has returned, then that's one fine dangling pointer.

Yes, this is fine. :-)

The string will be destroyed at the end of the statement, at the semi colon.

If you don't use any other argument of OpenSomthing for returning pointer to getMyString.c_str() everything will be OK.





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