
Why extern "C" still cannot remove name mangling in the following case

exte开发者_如何学Gorn "C"
__declspec(dllexport) LRESULT CALLBACK MTest

Using depends , I found there is still name mangling even using extern "C".

The only way to get truly undecorated names with __declspec(dllexport) is to export them with the __cdecl calling convention. CALLBACK becomes __stdcall, which decorates the "C" form of the name with a leading _ and trailing @bytes.

Otherwise you can use a .DEF file, which is a pain. Another MSVC specific way is to embed a /EXPORT directive into the object file (or pass it as a explicit linker setting)

#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:ExportSymbol=DecoratedName");

For some reason the = part of the directive is not listed in the help

That's name decoration rather than mangling. You should declare the undecorated name in a DEF file and then you'll get the behaviour you are seeking.

Not being much of a visual C++ programmer the first thought that occurs to me is ... "do any of those macros LRESULT or CALLBACK introduce the standard calling convention?" Do the mangled names have @NUMBER_OF_BYTES_OF_PARAMATER_LIST or characters depicting the actual types appended to them?





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