
Why does assertAlmostEqual(-inf,-inf) fail?

Numpy's log method gives -inf for log(0). This value is comparable:

>>> np.log(0) == np.log(0)

Now in unittesting the f开发者_如何转开发ollowing works fine:


but this fails:


Why is this behaviour like this? Is this a bug or intended? If intended, how can I check two float values to be almost equal, working also correctly for -inf?

From the doc of unittest assertAlmostEqual(a, b) is by default equivalent to round(a-b, 7) == 0. so in your case you have :

In [8]: np.log(0) - np.log(0)
Out[8]: nan

In [9]: round(np.log(0) - np.log(0), 7)
Out[9]: nan

In [11]: np.nan == 0
Out[11]: False

That explain why your test fail.

For making it work use unittest2 here is an example:

import unittest2
import numpy as np

class Test_Assertions(unittest2.TestCase):
    def test_float_inf(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqual(float('inf'), float('inf'))

    def test_numpy_inf(self):



Ran 2 tests in 0.000s


N.B: In unittest2 assertAlmostEqual() first test if the two objects are equal if yes so the result is yes else do the magic (almost equal) , this is why it work . It also should work in new python version (2.7 >) because most of them have the unittest2 functionality implemented (i'm not sure about this because i don't have python 2.7 > in my work station).

Hope this can help :)

The difference between an Inf and any finite value is either Inf or -Inf. That's part of the IEEE754 specification. Since assertAlmostEqual uses subtraction this explains the behaviour.

Here's the relevant table from the Intel x86 documentation for FSUB:

Why does assertAlmostEqual(-inf,-inf) fail?

To solve your problem you are going to need special case handling for Inf.

I'd say that the difference between -∞ and -∞ can be as much as ∞. Therefore, they aren't really "almost equal".

If you want to ignore this special case, then something like this might be useful:

if valueA != valueB:
  self.assertAlmostEqual(valueA, valueB)




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