
Problem in executing the batch file in winscp

I am new to Winscp and I am having a problem in executing a batch file.

The scenario is something like this:

I have a batch file A, two folders (up B and down folders C), some text files in up folder D, a text file E (different from the files in D) and a ppk file F. All these things are in one folder only.

The batch file A is having a script (script is shown below) which contains text. If that text contents are true (means if that text (text contents are rela开发者_如何学运维ted to E i.e. if the text file E is executed) is executed) then only the files in up folder B moves to down folder C.

And the script in batch file A is:

C:\somefolder\WinSCP3.exe /console /script=E.txt /log=session.log
if errorlevel 1 goto error
xcopy C:\somefolder\up\*.*  C:\somefolder\down\  /y
del  C:\somefolder\up\*.*   /Q
echo Upload failed, keeping local files

And the content in text file E is:

option batch abort
option confirm off
open @test.com 
change remote directory
cd \somedirectory
option transfer binary
put C:\somefolder\up\*.*

I don't know why the files from up folder is not moving to down folder.

Please let me know where exactly the problem is and how to resolve that problem....

Thanks to Andriy M. His comments cleared my confusion and gave the right answer.

Here are the right syntax.

C:\somefolder\WinSCP3.exe /console /script=E.txt /log=session.log

xcopy C:\somefolder\up\*.*  C:\somefolder\down\  /y
del  C:\somefolder\up\*.*   /Q

if errorlevel 1 goto error

echo Upload failed, keeping local files

The content in text file E.txt is:

option batch abort
option confirm off
open @test.com 
change remote directory
cd \somedirectory
option transfer binary
put C:\somefolder\up\*.*

Dunno if anyone still read this thread or not.. But what I know is "put" command upload the files from Local Directory to Remote Directory. TS wanted to "download the files from Remote Directory to Local Directory" so I think the right command is "get".

Cheers, Shen





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