
Where can I find good tutorials and guides on wxPython and wxGlade?

Just out of curiosity, aside from their respective sites, have any of you guys found a开发者_如何学运维 better resource for figuring out wxPython/wxGlade?

I figured I'd ask while I'm chewing on something else, I plan on using those tools to create a GUI for the project I've started.

wxGlade: http://wiki.wxpython.org/WxGladeTutorial

A video tutorial for wxGlade: http://showmedo.com/videotutorials/video?name=7850030&fromSeriesID=785

wxPython in general: http://www.wxpython.org/tutorial.php

Another wxPython tutorial: http://www.zetcode.com/wxpython/

It is also a good idea to study the code samples in wxPython's Demo application (installed with its documentation package) for the widgets you want to use.

Warning: There're bugs in wxPython have left unfixed for a long time. For example the wxAuiNotebook and such complex widgets have such bugs and deficiencies.

For wxpython, apart from the wxpython.org site of course, you might want to look at this (slightly dated) tutorial and these five videos. For wxglade, again apart from the specific sites, there's a video tutorial here (though I haven't seen it, and I know little about wxglade so I'm not sure how helpful my opinion would be here;-).





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