
Can I retrieve IMDb's movie recommendations for a given movie using IMDbPY?

I'm using IMDbPY to retrieve all kinds of data about movies. For example, if I have a movie object of "Pulp Fiction (1994)" then I can get the name of its (first) director like this:

>>> pulp_fiction['director'][0]['name']
    u'Quentin Tarantino'

Or the开发者_JS百科 name of the third actor:

>>> pulp_fiction['cast'][2]['name']
    u'Samuel L. Jackson'

In ways similar to this I can retrieve all kinds of information for a given movie (budget, length, storyline, list of goofs, trivia, etc).

The piece of information I'm looking for is recommendations (other movies similar to the current movie). IMDb provides such a thing for each movie:

Can I retrieve IMDb's movie recommendations for a given movie using IMDbPY?

Is it possible to access the recommendations using IMDbPY? If not, is there another way to access the recommendations which doesn't require me to parse webpages?

Looking in the source, I found something:


check def get_movie_recommendations(self, movieID)

I haven't tried it, but it looks like it might be doing what you are looking for.





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