
where to store the xml parsing file in an android app

I am a new developer. In my app I am trying to parse two xml files. The first xml file contains some list of data as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

The data will be showed in a listview manner. When I touch A it moves to B, and when I touch B it moves over to the next XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Here I want to do a flip order; the question must be one side and the answer must be of other side.

Now the problem is that I am getting the first XML file correctly but the later one is not visible, it seems to be a black screen. I have placed both the xml files in res->raw and its beeen mentioned in the coding as:

//getting the path of xml to parse
        inputstream = this.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.list);
resID = getResources().getIdentifier(name, "raw", "com.gis.flash");

Can anyone explain me what errors I have committed?

I don't know if its the best way to do this, but here's how you can do it. Put your xml files in the res/xml directory (you need to create it). Assuming your xml file is list.xml and it resides inside res/xml/, you can access your xml file by using getResources() like this,


put it in your asset folder and access it like file:///android_asset/yourxml.xml

i think you should see this





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取 消

