How to delete a row of CSV file using csv reader in Python?
I want to process each row of a csv file and store into database. After that row is stored I want to delete that row in the csv file. I have written code for fetching and storing the row. But I got stuck on deleting a row on csv file.
My code:
import csv
entries = csv.reader(open('/opt/workspace/jup/juppro/media/docs/phonebook.csv', 'rb'), dialect='excel-tab')
entries_list = []
total_records= len(entries_list)
for data in entries_list:
cols = data[0].replace('"','')
cols1= cols.split(';')
contact = phonebook() = cols1[0]
contact.firstname = cols1[1]
contact.lastname = col开发者_开发百科s1[2]
contact.phoneno = cols1[3]
- Read the CSV into memory e.g. a list.
- Save the relevant rows to the database and remove them from the list.
- Save the remaining rows in the list back to the CSV file.
I propose you this code
import csv
from os.path import getsize
from itertools import islice
print 'size of file :',getsize('/opt/workspace/jup/juppro/media/docs/phonebook.csv')
entries = csv.reader(open('/opt/workspace/jup/juppro/media/docs/phonebook.csv', 'rb'), dialect='excel-tab')
n = 3
cnt = 0
chunk = True
while chunk:
chunk = list(islice(entries,n))
if chunk==[]:
print 'processing ended'
# here: all the treatments of the rows being in chunk
cnt += n
print cnt
If all the file is treated, you don't care of deleting the rows while processing: you will delete the file after the treatment.
If you want to delete some rows on the basis of precise conditions, say it and we will adapt the above code