
Good Sources for simple/gradual exposure to Design Patterns [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.

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I would like to set myself a goal to introduce myself to a new design pattern every week. Because I work at an internship right now, its hard to get me to do this because I always feel guilty that I should be doing work stuff & not learning a pattern.

Do you know of any good sources, preferably website tutorials/demonstations but also books, that cover both Design Patters & Application Architecture/Patterns. Do you know of any good sources that are not just blocks of text (which is not the best way I learn), I prefer to follow tutorials or see graphical demonstrations of the pattern?

I have googled for good sources but they seem to either only cover some design patterns or are huge blocks of text to read.

Head First Design Patterns is a great gentle introduction.

The two I like and in the order I like

  1. http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns
  2. http://www.dofactory.com/Default.aspx

My choices are as follows:

  1. Vince Huton's DP
  2. Design PAtterns
  3. JUnit Cook's Tour

JUnit Cookbook provides brilliant example of quite a few patterns - really worth checking.

Hope that helps.

Take a look at clean coders videos - https://cleancoders.com/videos/clean-code/design-patterns





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