
c#: public when debugging, private otherwise

Is there a nice way to make it so that functions are public when I am testing with NUnit, but private otherwise?

Not having to generate a lot of extraneous code would also be nice.


It seems the solutions fall under 3 types:

  1. don't do what I'm attempti开发者_如何学Cng to do.
  2. use compiler directives.
  3. try a clever solution (like using InternalsVisibleTo).

Might there be a way to do this programmatically? i.e. just create a new temporary app that makes all protected/private/internalfunctions public, plug that into NUnit, run the tests there, and then go back to using the private functions for the release version?

Instead of private<->public you can make them internal<->public using InternalsVisibleTo.

InternalsVisibleTo is an assembly attribute that you can use in the assembly you want to make visible to your unit test assembly. You will have to sign your unit test assembly, because the InternalsVisibleTo attribute relies on the public key of the calling assembly.

You might not need to if you have good coverage on your public methods which call the private methods but that seems to be another debate into it self.

This is a good link about TDD and different ways to do it: How to Test Private and Protected methods in .NET

There's always internal as others have pointed out, but since that's distinct from both private and public (and hence could affect other code in the same assembly), why not use compiler directives:

#define DEBUG

public int PublicMethod(int x, int y)
    return privateMethod(x, y);

private int MethodToTest() {...}

public int MethodTested()
   return MethodToTest();

Test MethodTested()

Try this:

public type MethodName(parameters)
private type MethodName(parameters)
 // method body

Shortly, try this:

int myMethod(params)
   // do something.

usa as myMethod();





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