In trying to learn the art of data storage I have been trying to take in as much solid information as possible.PerformanceDBA posted some really helpful tutorials/examples in the following posts among
So, I\'ve been reading up on identifying vs. non-identifying relationships in my database design, and a number of the answers on SO seem contradicting to me.Here are the two questions I am looking at:
孙旭 2022-06-05 17:00 《秦中吟十首。歌舞(一作伤阌乡县囚)》第五句是:“贵有风雪兴”,这是出自于 唐朝 白居易 所著的《秦中吟十首。歌舞(一作伤阌乡县囚)》。附《秦中吟十首。歌舞(一作伤阌乡县囚)》