I\'m dealing with django-paypal and want to change the button src images.So I went the the conf.py file in the source and edited the src destination.However, I really want to leave the source alone, a
I am developing a Django-based website in which each new user creates a wallet to hold his money. I\'d like to integrate it with PayPal, so that when the user signs up, a PayPal account is automatical
How can I add a value to to the request object in django so that is available on redirect. I am tryi开发者_StackOverflowng to sign users up and then redirect them to a paypal link for payment. I want
I don\'t have the typical shop in which you know what you are selling beforehand. I create custom products on the go (need to fill a couple forms) that people can buy, so before they leave to paypal p
I\'m using django-paypal as a payment solution inside my django application. I\'m trying to implement a IPN handler.
I am using dcramer\'s version of django-paypal(but i think it shouldnt matter whether it is dcramer or johnboxall\'s).
i开发者_开发知识库\'ve been implementing django-paypal but when it return token and payerID where can i handle this? i put the confirm.html template but it doesn\'t show anything...
I\'m using Django PayPal. PayPal has a list of options you can pass on your button. I\'m trying to add some of these to my paypal_dict
I am designing a website in Python (using Django), and I need to sell things through it. Can somebody开发者_Python百科 help me with the source code to integrate the paypal-pro (do-direct payment) or
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