I\'m a bit confused as to exactly when symbol capture will occur with clojure macros.Suppose that I have a macro which defines a function from keywords.In this trivial example,
Be gentle, as my macrofoo is weak. What I\'d like to do is something like this: (defmacro foo [x] `(dosync (alter x# conj x)))
油炸香椿鱼儿 2022-06-09 01:21 马丁吉他按产地分 墨西哥产 和 美国产,墨产马丁大多为低端琴,其中有一款4500~5000元价位的是单板配置。好一点的墨产马丁有6千多的DRS17千多的DRS2 都是全单配置,再就是1万左