first of all, sorry for title, but is very hard explain good in few words. Then il problem is this. I have two class(object): Tclass1 and Tclass2. These are indipendent from them and both classes(obj
What is the best way to combine TByt开发者_开发百科es arrays? All arrays are of the same size. I want the content of Array2 to be added to the end of Array1, Array3 to the end of Array2, and so forth
I am working in Delphi XE2 I am converting base64 byte array to stringusing this TEncoding.UTF7.GetString(byte1)
I managed to get Xcode (running as a VM under Windows) pushing an XE2 build FireMonkey iOS HD app to my (jailbroken) iPhone after XE-script-prep (creating the Xcode folder), with a valid company certi
In a Firemonkey 2d application, I\'m using a float key to attempt to move a TLine control around a clock.I\'ve added 60 key frames for the minute hand and 12 key frames for the hour hand (actually it\
What has to be change in order to install them succesfully 开发者_JS百科in DelphiXE2I\'m pretty sure I just logged into their site, downloaded their installer, and it installed.
I\'m looking at migrating a Delphi 2007business applications开发者_运维问答 to 64 Bit using Delphi XE2.
We are experiencing what seems to be a stra开发者_开发技巧nge bug in Firemonkey\'s ScrollBox component (since TGrid inherits from TScrollBox it also affects all grids). On some ouf our development mac
I just had a look at Firemonkey\'s grid implementation and it turns out that it is a very simple implementation (only 1800 lines 开发者_高级运维which seems not much for a grid implementation). It does
I\'m writing a FireMonkey application which must run in Windows as well in OSX. Until now I\'ve used MSXML for my Windows apps, but of cou开发者_StackOverflow中文版rse this library is not compatible w