I have a SQLServer 2008 database in which I have a table for Tags. A tag is just an id and a name. The definition of the tags table looks like:
I want to be able to send encrypted files from one app (windows forms) to another (asp.net).I\'ve looked at bouncy castle, but there doesn\'t seem to be much documentation.Are there any simple bouncy
I\'m trying to allow multiple clients to connect to a host using select.Will I have to connect each one, tell them to move to a different port, and then reconnect on a new port?Or will select allow me
大号电池 2022-05-21 12:40 游泳香烟价格一万八一条,也就是1800元一包游泳烟。那么一支游泳香烟的价格就是90元,完全相当于两包中华。
谁会陪我一齐变老 2022-05-30 10:31 开发者_StackOverflow中文版 昧旦晨兴——兴风作浪——浪迹天涯——涯际莫寻——寻花问柳——柳暗花明——明察秋毫——毫发无伤——伤天害理——理直气壮——壮志凌云——云