I have a NSSplitView. On the left pane of that split view I have an NSTableView and a custom view created programmatically. I\'m using a delegate to make sure my two panes don\'t resize at the same ti
Can we use BWToolKit or any othe开发者_高级运维r IB plug-ins in Xcode 4? My old project uses the BWToolKit and now I can\'t open it without Interface Builder.Note (added Oct 26, 2011): This answer is
I received some helpful info from NSGod that informed me that using BWToolkit would possibly be rejected from App开发者_如何学编程le for using private APIs. The only object I used from BWToolkit was t
Hey guys I\'m using the latest version of XCode (3.2.2) and I\'ve linked the framework using the tutorial. I was building my app and tested it and I get a BWToolkit exception on decoding.
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