Before I knew better, I implemented a login system with md5 as the hashing algorithm. Now that I do know better, I\'d like to move to using PHPass. My problem is that the system is already in producti
I am currently writing a program and part of it involves securely creating password hashes to store in a database and I came across the phpass framework, which seems to be highly recommended. In phpas
I\'m creating a service which handles a lot of personal data, and therefor it\'s not appropriate to let the passwords simply fly out. I\'ve been diggin\' around to find any possible solutions, and one
My question is how do I get the same result from mcrypt as I would get from crypt, with respect to blowfish?
With \'portable_hashes\' turned on. I\'ve noticed that for whatever reason, the hashes it generates aren\'t always the same - but always return as valid when passed through \'CheckPassword\'. I\'ve al
How are you supposed to create an autologin feature on your webpage using phpass as encryption of the passwords?
phpass is a widely used hashing \'framework\'. Is it good practice to salt the plain password before giving it to PasswordHash (v0.2), like so?:
phpass is a widely used hashing \'framework\'.While evaluating phpass\' HashPassword I came across this odd method fragment.
Similar to the ButtonRenderer class, I want to be able to paint the +/- buttons used in TreeViewNodes completely separately to any instance of a TreeView. There doesn\'t seem to be a ControlPaint meth
情深缘浅zhang123 2022-06-17 09:19 “自到东都后”下一句是:“安闲更得宜”,这是出自于 唐朝 白居易 所著的《偶作寄朗之》。附《偶作寄朗之》全文赏析偶作寄朗之作者:白居易朝代:唐朝历想为官日,