I\'m confused. I\'m an avid reader of several Sharepoint related Blogs and everybody says \"don\'t use State Machine Workflows in .NET 3.5 anymore - they will not exist in .NET 4\".
According to the answer to this qu开发者_运维知识库estion MS WF state machine workflows and MS CRM Dynamics 4.0 State machine workflows are not supported in CRM 4.0.
We have a state machine workflow for maintaining the state of an application submitted by a user. One of the issues I am having is related to workflow termination. In one of the states, I had a bug. W
作死大神zsds 2022-06-16 20:39 “长路漫漫”的原句是:\"路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索\",出自战国时期诗人屈原创作的诗篇《离骚》。