Color space. Well, everybody knows about RGB: three values normalized in the range [0.0,1.0], which have the meaning of the intensity of the color components Red Green Blue; this intensity is meant as
What is the easiest way to get a gamma distributed random variable in C++? Boost se开发者_StackOverflowems to have this functionality, but it is not clear for me how to use it.It’s pretty straightfor
I have a data set having 2000 elements. I found the distribution of that data set as Gamma (0.4). I am trying to give scores to these numbers on 1-100 scale. but I think linear 开发者_如何学运维conver
I\'m trying to use the Gamma distribution from boost::math开发者_JS百科 but it looks like it isn\'t possible to use it with boost::variate_generator. Could someone confirm that? Or is there a way to u