Trying to do something fairly simple. Taking text like this User Name: This is a comment I am making It is in a single TextView. I want to make the User Name a link. I decided that the easiest t
I would like to add a link to a textview and have the following code: TextView textview = (TextView) findViewById开发者_运维知识库(;
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(\"[a-zA-Z]+&\"); myCustomLink.setText(\"press Linkify& or on Android& to search it on google\");
I have a TextView with some text that has URL\'s. I have used Linkify to turn them into clickable URL\'s:
I\'m struggling to try to linkfiy links with or without \"www\" / \"http\" This is what I got: noProtocolUrl = /\\b((?:www\\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\\/)(?:[^\\s()<>]+|\\(([^\\s()&l
It\'s odd, I really don\'t know what else to check... I\'m using this code for linkifying URLs... And the URLs with a hash like Twitter!/username/status/1234567890
Here\'s scenario: I have a RalativeLayout holding ImageView and few TextViews. There are \"linkified\" elements inside these TextViews such as URLs, phone numbers, etc.
Let\'s say a string contains <a href=\"\"></a>. When I linkify the whole string (that has both unlinked URLs and linked URLs, like the one shown above), it will
I have a URL with some Upper case letters like When I passed this url to Android Linkify, the resulting link\'s letter case changed to
I\'m using this great plugin: