I\'d like to know how can I know which user is logged in at the moment? I\'m using xAuth, and I\'m not using the SAOAuthTwitterEngine, so I\'m limited to the MGTwitterEngine method开发者_C百科s.I\'m a
i m getting this error on some machines while compiling my project: Undefined symbols for architecture armv6:
I\'ve got both working great individually, but when I try to combine them like this: - (IBAction)showWithLabel:(id)sender
Hello I am using MGTwitterEngine to create twitter app.I created different views for followers list, user time line and so on... Once I login It will save user credentials with following code
I\'m trying to update my app (iSocialNet) to use the latest version of MGTwitterEngine without success. I\'ve successfully got iSocialNet to work using Ben Gottlieb\'s Twitter+OAuth, but there are iss
I want to send direct message to more 开发者_C百科than one person with a single call I am using MGTwitterEngine
I just wanted to know how I could get every single tweet \"tweeted\" by the user by using MGTwitterEng开发者_JAVA技巧ine.You want to look at:
I am using Twitter-oAuth-IPhone https://github.com/bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone Login using this code
I am using MGTwitterEngine oAuth and LinkedIn i开发者_Python百科OS SDK in my iOS application with facebook-ios-sdk
i used MGTwitterEngine and its not working the application crashes after successful login attempt please hel开发者_运维问答p me here is my code @Yorxxx