Is there a way to get a notification when a certain field in a db table is changed ? I\'m using ODP.NET and Oracle 11g, on a .NET 4.0 app.
How to know what file was changed (it\'s name) on Change Event of TJvChangeNotify (JEDI) or TShellChangeNotifier?
To my knowledge, there is no \'PreviewPropertyChanged\' that you can subscribe to for a dependency property, but I need to know a value WILL be changing.My thought is to sort of re-purpose the Coerce
Hi I am planning to use oracle change notification feature in C# using OracleDependency class. Whenever there is change in the data, we get the notifications from database that there is a change in th
I have a property auto-generated from database in my edmx: Description. I then create a \"partial class\" .cs file for the entity and add a read-only property: ShortDescription.
The XAML {Binding} construct is very handy because it handles all of the PropertyChanged issues automatically.It is really impressive when you hand it a path to an object, through .NET data structures
Is it possible to instead of doing this: person.Walking -= person_Walking1; person.Walking -= person_Walking2;
IE doesn\'t like the sharp symbol in the line below jQuery(this).css(\'background-color\',\'#\' + jQuery(this).prev().val());
Is it possible to listen to relation database update? For example, my web app want to send data update to client through Comet technology. I can have the program to poll the database periodically, but