I have the following property in my model: [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = \"{0:d}\")] public DateTime? Date { get; set; }
<div style=\"text-align:center\" class=\"grid\"> @{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model.SearchResults, canPage: true, rowsPerPage: 15);
webgrid is Easy to use ,in mvc3 but the parameter is too many, each page need to set the parameter is so so terrible,
I have a simple MVC WebGrid.When a user clicks on a row, I\'d like to do something based on the row he clicked.Its pretty simple in jqGrid and even using jquery templates, but I\'d like to get it righ
I have assigned data to the webgrid but it sorting the columns alphabetically. it is not showing columns as like in asp datagrid according to table structure.
I am trying to populate a MVC Webgrid using a DataTable which is built up in the code behind and then made enumerable using the AsEnumerable() extension method.
I have the following WebGrid in my ASP.NET MVC3 test application. It displays a list of customers: @grid.GetHtml(
I\'m working with the System.Web.Helpers.WebGrid in an ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor project, and I\'m having trouble understanding why the format parameter for a WebGridColumn is a Func<dynamic, object>.
I am using the MVC3 WebGrid (Razor) and everything is working fine.However, I need to vary the css class that is attached to a particular column based on the value that is in the column.
How can you specify the row id or class with a specific id? <tr id=\"row1\"> Or even this is ok <tr class=\"row1\">