I\'m trying to get Intellisense working for razor views in a non-ASP.NET project and would like to understand the relationship between VisualStudio\'s Razor editor and BuildProviders.
Sorry for the long question. I broke it up into three problems which can be read separately. If you\'re able to help me with one problem, please do!
I created a custom virtual path provider and build provider and was wondering if it was possible to somehow specify the name of the assembly that get\'s generated, rather then letting asp.net com开发者
Following on from my earlier question around loading views from DLLs under ASP.NET MVC, I\'ve come across the issue of having Views and Controls be strongly typed. An exception is thrown indicating th
朱洪祥 2022-06-28 15:58 输卵管通畅性的检测通常是在月经清洁3~7天左右比较好,并且术前三天要禁性生活。在输卵管通畅以后,两周内禁止盆浴开发者_开发技巧及性生活,需要时要给予抗生素防止细菌感染。提议您到