Is there a way to typecast String type to JLayeredPane? Following is the code I am using: private static void build_tables() {
I am writing a program GUI in java. I want to hava a JLayeredPane as ContentPane of my JFrame. On my JLayeredPane there are two layers : one layer a Canvas(canvas1) and another layer has a JPanel(jPan
I am using netbeans IDE to develop a GUI for a java program. I want to use a JLayeredPane in my GUI. I added a JPanel(jPanel5) and a Canvas(canvas) on two layers to my jLayeredPane and This 开发者_如何
I want to fill the JLaye开发者_StackOverflow中文版redPane in a order so that when it reaches the right margin it should then start from the next line ans fill the entire box with buttons. I want to de
I want to show a textArea showing some text (will show log lines) , and have an animated gif hoovering above it. I tried the solution described here , but all I get is a grey screen. Hints?
I\'m curious why calling setBackground(Color) on a JLayeredPane doesn\'t seem to actually set a background color. I would guess it has something to do with the JLayeredPane having to have a transparen
I have an code that adds jbutton on the clicked place in the jLayeredpane on mouse click. Now the problem is on resize. When i dont change the size of jLayeredpane on runtime there is no problem. When
I have a java application for an ATC. I just got started with the GUI. First I have a Mainframe, a JLayeredPane on this mainframe, and panels with labels(having ImageIcons) inside them on the JLayered
I\'m running into a problem that I can\'t seem to figure out nor find the answer anywhere on the web.
I\'ve always been a little fuzzy on the differe开发者_如何学JAVAnce between the glass pane and a layered pane.Is the glass pane essentially just \"the very top layer of the root pane,\" or does it beh