I\'m looking to allow bcrypt support in my 开发者_JS百科authentication library. One of the problems right now is that I assume that the hasher will be of type HashAlgorithm. Bcrypt.net does not implem
普资金服清退最新消息 普金荣服务的主要运营公司为上海普金荣信息服务有限公司,平台于2014年1月6日上线。公司注册资本4495.57万元,平台控股股东为夏商实业有限公司,2014年8月融资数千万元,平台实际控制人为林
I stumbled across BCrypt.net after reading Jeff Atwood\'s post about storing passwords which led me to Thomas Ptacek\'s recommendation to use BCrypt to store passwords. Which finally led me to this C#
After looking into a bug in the original jBCrypt v0.1 C# port: BCrypt.net (Related Question). I decided to compare the new jBCrypt code against the old C# port to look for discrepancies and potential