I\'m currently want to display a list of data using DataTables. And I want to be able to edit the record inline.I could execute those with no problem.The problem is, when I try to use drop down list(s
I have a datatable select like: productData.Select(\"Name = \'AAA BBB # CCC\'\"); I know the entry is there, it just doesn\'t work because of the # character. I have tried escaping with [] like:
I\'m importing the data from three Tab delimited files in the DataTables and after that I need to go thru every row of master table and find all the rows in two child tables. Against each DataRow[] ar
I have my strings in a String array, my Data in a datatable. What I have to do is, select a single row using datatable.select(string) method and delete it from the datatable.
My string include quotation mark; the select statement crash. vm_TEXT_string = \"Hello \'French\' People\";
This is the code: Dim dr() As DataRow = DataSet.Tables(\"TableName\").Select(\"EVENTNAME = \'\" & name & \"\'\")
Hi I have a problem, when I am trying to use DataTable.Select to get column values..Actually it is working file in C# which I have converted using Converters.