I\'ve asked this question on a couple other forums and have had zero response, so I\'m hoping someone here can help point me in the right direction. I have a pretty simple one screen application for m
Apple advises using the following code to detect whether running on an iPad or iPhone/iPod Touch: if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
Consider the following method, where I build a string and return it. I would like to release the building blocks of the string, but then the string is based on values that no longer exists. Now what?
I am presenting a UIViewController as a modal viewcontroller with modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet. I have few UITextFields on its view.
I developing a Ipad application I am trying to use Webview but not able to open the URL in webview I am using following code
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When building an iPad only application I get the following warning: \"warning: building for deployment target \'3.2\' should omit the armv6 architecture.\"
I am in kind of situation that I need to start with a tab based application and in that I need a split view for one or more tabs. But it seems that split view controller object can not be added to the
I have a UIScrollView in my project. I have a view controller I would like to add as a child of the UIScrollview. Would I just do that like this:
I am developing an iPad application in which I need a table view ( style grouped ) having background color as clearColor.